Monday, December 17, 2012

............. Number Line

This is such a fun game!!   If you know what makes "10" you will win every time.  Start with the target number of 10 and when you have mastered that level, move to another target number.   Shoot the 2 ball to hit an 8 ball  because 2 + 8 = 10.   Shoot a 3 ball to hit a 7 ball.  

.............Shut the Box

See if you can SHUT  THE BOX by rolling dice and turning over every number.

.............Add It Up

Here is a challenging and fun way to practice your addition facts.

.............Math Magician

Play and win to show your skills at being a math magician.

.............Rock Hopper

Hop your frog from rock to rock, adding up the numbers on the rocks to get to the target number.

.............Penguin Jump

Race with these cute penguins while working on your multiplication facts.


Work on addition, subtraction, multiplication or division in this fun game.

...............Hooda Math

Hooda Math has a fun game called "Savvy Math"   If the target number is 12 you can click on 6 and 6   or you can click on 6, 4, and 2.   You just need to click on as amny numbers as you need to add to the target number.


This link is for 3rd and 4th graders that already have a LOGIN for STMath.  
Click on GiGi to get going!